Missions RoofMissions Co-Chairs:

Lori Mooney, Brownsugarcookie@yahoo.com, 540-820-7394
Nancy Colvin, nwcolvin@gmail.com, 540-910-0272

Serving Our Neighbors

Bethany serves our neighbors through local mission projects. Many times throughout the year you will find us repairing a roof, building a wheel-chair ramp, serving meals at Valley Mission or making improvements at our local United Methodist retreat center, Camp Overlook. We take on special projects for neighbors in need, and we also work with local organizations like Rebuilding Together, a national organization that performs critical home repairs for low income, elderly, disabled or disadvantaged homeowners in the community. Questions? Ideas? Comments? Contact Lori Mooney or Nancy Colvin (contact information above).
Bethany is such a giving and loving church. We thank you for all that you contribute in any way that you can. Please keep an open heart all throughout the year and help out when and where you can. Everyone has a calling, so please listen for yours. Still keep eyes and ears open for those in need. If you know of someone, please pass their name on to Lori Mooney or Nancy Colvin.
Mission Spotlight for January 2024:  Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry on Monday nights was started many years ago by Jean Dunsmore and we have carried this on years after her passing.  We love helping our neighbors who need food.  Your monetary donations will help buy food from the Verona Food Bank to put it on the table of those who need it.  Please think about making an extra donation and mark it for the food pantry.  If you would like to volunteer on Monday nights, please talk to Pat Lynn of Kathy Frizzelle.  We would love to have you there.




There are SO MANY ways to get involved in Missions at Bethany!  CONNECT, GROW & SERVE!

Local missions projects
Adult mission trips
Youth mission trips
Kingsway Ministry Cards