Bethany UMC Weekly Announcements

Worship Announcements

Believe it or not, Easter will be here before you know it. Our talented accompanist, James Kiser, has agreed to direct an EASTER choir. This group will perform at the worship services during the month of April and will start practices on Wednesday, February 19. If interested, please let James know. Stay tuned for details coming soon. Pull out those bunny ears and be a part of this fun opportunity!

Mission Opportunities

Cookies Needed!!! The children of Bethany are planning to distribute cookies and valentines at our food pantry on Monday, February 10th. We will be accepting cookie donations (must be store-bought and pre-packaged) beginning Sunday, January 26th. Our goal is to collect 50 packages!

For those interested in traveling with our Friends of Barnabas team in September, please plan on staying after worship on Sunday morning for a brief meeting about the trip and fundraising efforts!

For those who are planning on going to Honduras with our Friends of Barnabas team in September, please plan on registering through the FOB website by the end of January. If you need help with that, or have any questions, please let Gary Lucas or Pastor Blaine know. We plan on holding a Zoom meeting with our team in February.

We will be hosting a “Christmas in July” Yard Sale, with all proceeds going to help our September Honduras Mission Team. Please continue bringing in any Christmas decorations, inside or outside, that you would like to donate. You can put them in the Social Hall and they will be organized and stored for the July Yard Sale. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amy Michael.

Dates to Know

The Young at Hearts will be meeting at O’Neil’s in Harrisonburg on Tuesday, February 4th at noon for their monthly meeting. All folks 55 and up are invited to attend! We look forward to fellowshipping together on Tuesday.

Pastor Blaine will be holding Coffee Hours at Valley Pike Farm Market on Thursday, February 6th from 9:30 am – 12 pm. Come and grab a cup of coffee, tea, or just come for the conversation.

Bethany Youth will be having a gathering on Sunday, February 9th at the Simmons House (331 Eakle Dr, Staunton VA 24401) from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. We will have pizza, games, and a time to gather together. All middle school and high schoolers are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Some instructions to get to Simmons house: Paved drive is directly opposite the turn for Niswander Rd. There is a “Driver Farm” sign at the bottom of the lane. After turning in, go right towards the blue/gray house. We look forward to seeing our youth there!

We will be having our first Church Council Meeting of 2025 on February 18th at 6:30 pm. We hope all church officers, committee chairs, and church leaders will be able to attend.

Other Announcements

Congratulations to Susan Meadows, the Rockingham County Public Schools’ Teacher of the Year! This prestigious award celebrates a teacher who demonstrates excellence, dedication, and a passion for the future of their students. She is an instructor at Rockingham Academy where she was chosen as her school’s teacher of the year and then chosen among all schools for this award. Susan, your Bethany family is so VERY proud of you!

Mark your calendars to attend the Turner Ashby High School musical “Hades Town” which will include our very own Lucy Huffer. Performance dates are February 20, 21, 22, and 23.

Thank you to all who continue to assist in cleaning the church as our custodian, Danny Perry, continues to heal and recover. The saying is, “If you see something, say something”. In this case, “If you SEE something, DO something” seems to be the norm. It is much appreciated!

Prayer Requests

Please be in prayer for our members: Barbara Sommers, Kathy Frizzelle, Tom and Jan Gorden, Don and Hazel Truslow, and Barbara Long.

We extend our prayers and sincere sympathy to Kevin and Tara Stroop for the loss of Kevin’s stepsister Sharon Surato Kiser. A memorial service will be held at Mt. Sidney UMC at 11:00 a.m this Saturday, February 1.

Please continue to keep the Michael family in your prayers as they continue to grieve the passing of Charlene Michael.